Set network over bluetooth
29 Oct 2018connect to bluetooth PAN network
in ubuntu 18.04, the network is managed by network-manager (nm), and bluetooth is controlled by bluez. that means, we need setup the bluetooth first then set the network-manager.
1. pair the bluetooth device
pair the bluetooth device with PAN profile and enable the bluetooth PAN.
2. connect the bluetooth PAN network
follow the previous example: we can use the command to show the network status like:
nmcli device status
and it should output like:
wlan0 wifi connected wifi-ap
lxcbr0 bridge connected lxcbr0
eth0 ethernet connected Wired connection 1
7C:2E:BD:9C:B1:AB bt disconnected --
vethT6EPN0 ethernet unmanaged --
vethURCRXT ethernet unmanaged --
lo loopback unmanaged --
we need control the connection by using connection id, we can use the command:
nmcli con show
and it should output like:
BTNET a7b6ea93-1444-493d-b449-e2c92fb1aa04 bluetooth --
now, we can use the command to connect the bluetooth network:
sudo nmcli con up "BTNET"